Volunteering at Steps has so many amazing benefits. You will make new friends, learn new skills and gain valuable experience.

Volunteering has been shown to reduce stress, combat mental health problems such as depression and anxiety and provide a sense of purpose. There's no better feeling than knowing you have made a big difference with your time and skills.
We all lead busy lives, and it can sometimes seem an impossible task to find the time to give to volunteering. Volunteering doesn’t have to be a long-term commitment or take up vast amounts of your time. Giving your skills and time in any small way could be hugely beneficial to Steps.
Our sessions with the children are led by our highly experienced team of practitioners, however you can get involved by supporting in the sessions through helping to set up and clear away activities, washing up, making cups of tea and of course learning our many songs to sing with the children! If you can bring love, smiles and laughter to our children and families then we would love to hear from you!
The garden and grounds at Steps need a regular person to help with weeding, mowing and cutting the hedge. If this sounds like something that you may be interested in then please get in touch with us.
Steps own the building that the sessions are run from and although it is an exceptionally beautiful building, it needs due to its age a lot of upkeep. If you could offer us some time with painting or small repairs then we would love to hear from you!
The amount of personal satisfaction gained through donating some of my time to Steps is enormous but the benefit that volunteering has on those special children and their families is immeasurable. Steps is a place where small miracles happen every day; it has been described by parents as being a ‘lifeline’ and it is a privilege to be amongst those who help to keep the Steps ship afloat!
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See how you can help us to provide our vital service to children and their families.
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