
Donate to Steps

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Donate to Steps and Make a Difference

As a charity Steps is funded entirely from fundraising, donations and grants from Trusts and Foundations. It costs £250,000 every single year to run our invaluable service. 

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who supports us by making a donation. We really do make every penny count, so that we can support our families to give every child the very best start in life. 

Our Bank Details

Steps Conductive Education Centre

CAF Bank

Account number – 00018017

Sort Code – 40-52-40

How Your Donation will help


will transform the lives of a parent and child, providing Conductive Education, with practical advice and emotional support to one of our families for one year.


Will pay for one session of Conductive Education for a family at Steps.


Will support a child’s needs in the session by providing a sensory basket of essential equipment.


Will pay for 10 sessions of Conductive education which will help to change a child’s life.